Detoxed Designs
Deep Clean
At this time of year, all we hear about is detoxing; but let's face it, juicing is boring. One detox I can't live without is my bi-annual closet update. I don't know what it is but the minute Christmas is over I am suddenly sick to death of heavy jumpers and leather pants. Despite the fact that it's still only January all I'm thinking about is my spring wardrobe. I only buy pieces in the sales that I know will carry me through to the summer, no more bulky coats and definitely no more bobble hats.
The minute I got back from our honeymoon I took down my summer clothes from the attic, partly to pack away the bits I had just taken to Mauritius but also in eager anticipation of the coming Spring. I wanted to see what I had that I could start incorporating into the outfits I'm wearing now.
What's The Expiation Date?
I first went through my current winter wardrobe and put aside anything I either (a) haven't worn in the last 3 months or (b) would not wear for the rest of the week if asked to do so. If I had a dinner this weekend would I be happy wearing this dress for example? Would I wear this jumper to work tomorrow? Editing does not however always mean throwing out, if you have clothes that are expensive or special pieces you have invested in I suggest putting them in a box, if you don't go to look for them within the next 6 months it's time to part ways. Consider reselling them or give them to a charity shop as I do with everything I no longer want.
For example, 3 years ago I bought a beautiful suede fur (faux of course) lined jacket from Pinko in Brown Thomas, it wasn't cheap and despite the fact I probably wore it 4 times that winter I haven't been able to part with it as it pains me to think of the amount in Zara I could have gotten instead. I packed it away last week and come September if I don't think I'll wear it that winter I'll wait and sell it then as the weather gets cooler.
A Clean Slate
Ask yourself, if god forbid your house burned down tomorrow and you had to rebuild your closet from scratch, what would you start your wardrobe with for 2017? For me, the key to building a wardrobe is buying interchangeable pieces; I can think of 10 off the top of my head. A coat, a blazer, a good pair of jeans, leather pants, the perfect shirt, v-neck t-shirt, tank top, a black dress, ankle boots, cashmere jumper. However ask me again in 3 months time and I'd say; a blazer, a silk tank top, a good pair of jeans, a bikini, a pair of espadrilles, a v-neck t-shirt, a cotton dress, a strappy heel, denim shorts and a pair of sunglasses. You can see that some items change but about half remain the same. They are what I call 'interchangeable' seasonless pieces that I have in my closet year round. In addition, they are the type of pieces I will spend more on and buy multiples of if I find the perfect one; Frame denim jeans, Uterque leather jackets, Cos v-neck t-shirts. I'll spend a pretty pocket on a leather jacket that will look perfect over a summer dress or layered over cashmere in winter while the dress I may have picked up in Zara for €29.95.
Choose Wisely
The key is buying pieces that will work together, instead of regularly dropping €50 on another black top to wear out that weekend, start saving your cash and buying pieces that are a little different or may have a twist but will still slot easily into your current collection. Buy affordable accessories such as belts and flat shoes to instantly change up an outfit you may have worn 20 times already.
Wardrobe staples should never be boring, they should always have a fashionable twist. When buying something you should be excited about wearing and styling it, otherwise it's not for you. Take a simple grey jumper, buy one with a pretty stitching detail, or a long line blazer with no lapels that you can belt and wear over pants or a shirt as a 'going out' piece and not just to the office. Aside from dresses which I personally only wear once and resell, I won't buy a piece unless I know I will get 20 easy wears out of it. I always ask myself can I layer that piece, especially if it's something I plan on wearing year round. Will that silk tank look pretty peeking out from under one of my knits as well as under my blazer? If you have a capsule of good solid pieces in your wardrobe they will act as the building blocks to your outfits and make dressing so much easier.
Organisation is Key
When it comes to storing your pieces thanks to shops like Ikea you now have no excuse for an avalanche to hit you every time you open a cupboard door. Take note of how different fabrics should be treated and they will thank you for it. Matching hangers are also an obsession of mine. You can purchase beautiful rose gold wire hangers like the ones shown above from Sostrene Grene. Another tip of mine is to place a diffuser in the back of your closet, it will gently scent your clothes and you'll feel like you're entering a spa everytime you open your wardrobe.
Fold: Always fold cashmere jumpers on a shelf in your closet, if you hang them they will become misshapen with time. Heavey pieces such as embroidered or embellished dresses should also be folded when possible as their weight will stretch them if hung. In addition, you run the risk if the embellishment rubbing off neighboring pieces and causing damage.
Hang: Coats and leather jackets are best kept on wide wooden or padded hangers to help maintain their shape. Silks should aways be kept on hangers and never folded as abrasions can damage the fabric. Try not to store long pieces such as gowns or coats in short closets.
Bag: Keep leather handbags in cotton breathable dustbags, plastic will dry leather goods out over time and can cause it to rot.
Segregate: I like to segregate trousers, tops, t-shirts, dresses etc so that it's easier to locate what I'm after in the morning rush. Similarly keep all of your shoes and boots lined up in the base of your closet if you don't have a shoe rack or shelving. Keep your underwear organized in little drawer dividers so that you can easily grab what you need when dressing. Ziplock your tights into plastic bags to store until next winter if you're putting them away, the same when clearing out your bikinis.
Unfortunately, this closet isn't mine, but I had fun browsing Pinterest for images for this article. It inspired me, even more, to get mine in top shape for S/S17. If you get to grips with yours please send me pictures! As always you'll find me on Snapchat @jodielawsonwood and Instagram @JodieWood_ xx