Spring Picks and My Top Tips on How To Save Money While Shopping!
I recently shared on Snapchat with you guys my favourite websites to use and shop via to save money online! It was so popular many of you requested a blog to have it permanently available to the universe. Considering I buy 90% of my clothes, beauty and even homeware on the internet it's worth following a few easy steps to make sure I'm always getting the best deal possible!
I am sick to death of knitwear, heavy coats and boots and seriously craving an injection of spring into my wardrobe. Below are my favourite pieces I have been "saving" to keep an eye on for promotion or picking up now on offer. All images will click through to the link!
Now for the fun part, similar to the way you "pin" things on Pinterest, there are 3 websites I love to use to save items I find and either don't want to purchase at that very moment or can't afford and want to keep an eye on until they go on sale.
Lyst is the first one, it does what it says on the tin. Here you can search over 9000 designers and 2000 retailers and make lists of your favourite items. You can also sign up for sale and restock notifications which I find so helpful as if something is sold out I know exactly when it lands again and can get it straight away.
Shop style is another favourite which I use in a similar way to Polyvore, these sites I like to use as almost a google for fashion. Say I have an idea in my head of the kind of dress I like, for example I can type in "strapless ruffle midi dress" and it will scan pretty much every retailer in existence and find me dress descriptions to match. I can then narrow my search down to not only the colour I'd like but the price bracket too. Again you can then save items to your account to watch them.
On top of this these sites will show you every retailer that stocks the particular dress, I find this so useful as if it's a certain designer it may be sold on 5 different outlets yet at varying price points. I will then obviously choose the cheapest option or the retailer that does free shipping for example.
To save even more money I highly recommend installing a coupon scanning browser button. I like to use Honey. You basically install it to your browser (safari or chrome etc.) and as it detects that you're on a retailers website it starts to scan the internet for active coupon codes available for the site. As you go to checkout it then automatically tries each code in the promotional box to see which one offers you the best saving. Not every website will have active codes but even if they don't you will often earn HoneyGold while shopping. These are effectively points that accumulate and can be redeemed as money when shopping in the future. Click this link and it will take you to the download link!
One last tip, I always shop sites in either sterling or dollars, never in the offered euro price. It is always cheaper to do so thanks to the exchange rate! Happy shopping everyone! xx